Live a More Productive, Happy, and Contented Life.
How Dan's Coaching Works
Before anyone becomes a coaching client, Dan or one of our Certified Viewenics TM Life and/or Business Coaches conducts a FREE discovery session (via Zoom, Skype, or telephone) to discuss your reasons for seeking coaching, if there truly is a need, and also if that need can be fulfilled by Dan Goldberg Consulting.
Each discovery session coach will ask you questions and welcome your questions, give insights, recommend certain techniques and/or programs, and tell you whether or not we feel that you will benefit from our coaching sessions.
The purpose of our coaching is to help you deal with life's stresses, bring new insights and perspectives into your life, help you change negative and/or self-defeating/self-sabotaging behaviors, and work towards bringing you a more productive, happy, and contented life.
The discovery session takes approximately 1/2 hour and, if necessary, may go a bit longer. There is no obligation or charge. If both you and our coach decide to continue, a coaching schedule will be set up that is convenient for the two of you.
If you do, indeed, decide to proceed, your sessions will be either weekly or every other week. Each session will last approximately 1 hour. You will be asked to take a fee based (one time) online behavior/attitudinal assessment and you will receive an introductory package that will enable you and your coach to have a clearer understanding of "where you are" and "where you would like to be." You will also need to purchase and read Dan's book, "Soaring To Enlightenment - The Secret to Living a Contented Life TM," which is available in our BOOKS tab.
Both the assessment charge and all coaching fees can be processed through PayPal. You will be given your own exclusive link to submit payment, which is due monthly. The first payment will be prior to your initial session and subsequent payments will be due on the anniversary date of your first payment.
During your sessions we will discuss how you arrived at the place you are now, what obstacles you perceive to be holding you back, how you can "break through" your barriers, how you perceive yourself, how you think others perceive you, how to prioritize your life in order to achieve the goals you desire, what mental constructs are and how to face them, and other relevant topics.
Between sessions you are free to e-mail your coach on "emergency issues."
Your complete commitment is required in order for coaching sessions to have their maximum impact.
The objective of Dan's coaching program is to help you:
Lead a more productive life
Attract love and lightness
Be more content
Live in happiness
Learn how to become the person you've always wanted to be
Call upon the wisdom you innately possess
Expand your horizons in order to gain greater knowledge
Open your life to new and wondrous opportunities
Do away with negative, self-defeating, and self-sabotaging behaviors
Unlock your hidden talents
Grow your natural abilities
Broaden your perspectives